Post jobs to all job boards in one click
Create and post job vacancies instantly on Indeed, Monster, Adzuna and other job boards. Edit and delete ads across all platforms with just one click!

Post your ad on 100+ websites
Post job ads on the best boards and increase your reach with one click

Creating attractive job ads
Get expert advice on how to attract more top candidates

Manage applicants easily with hiring workflows
Speed up your recruiting process by managing applications all in one place
Post to multiple job boards at once
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent. Post jobs on leading job boards and social networks in just one click.
Report on published applications in your account
Ready-made landing pages
Response form constructor
Report on published applications in your account
Ready-made landing pages
Response form constructor

Manage applicants easily
Our easy-to-use recruitment software allows you to quickly assess candidates and move forward faster.
Use the hiring funnels to manage your applications
Set tasks and track their execution
Talk to your applicants
Use the hiring funnels to manage your applications
Set tasks and track their execution
Talk to your applicants
A quick overview over our features
Spend less time on repetitive tasks and work more on the creative aspects of your craft.

Fast support
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent

Trusted security
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent

Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent

Team work
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent

Save time
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent

Easy to use
Reach out to a larger audience and attract the best talent